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Results for "submediums: Features - Naming the Days,Features - Spiritual Literacy World,Features - Spiritual Practice,Practices - Spiritual Practice of the Day,Practices - Spiritual Practice, main_practice: Justice"
Witness-Bearers for Justice A Unitarian Universalist prayer for justice.
For All Women: A Litany A prayer for the many forms of God's mercy for all women.
Uprooting Racism Basic tactics for taking a stand against racial injustice.
The Gift of Tears A teaching story on how tears helped Dorothy Day persevere in a struggle for justice.
Practicing Justice Using a Native American prayer when facing difficult situations.
Model Equality in Gender Roles How to practice the democratic value of equality in gender-equal parenting.
Follow the Money Grounds for fact-checking political claims and knowing their financial source.
Go Interest-Free An invitation to consider the merits and applicability of an interest-free equity finance system.
Modern-Day Jubilee Recommendations for empowering your community to participate in a time of restitution and renewal.
Support Living Wages A catalyst to respond to the U.S.'s income inequality with democratic values like common good, equality, and justice in mind.